User Interface Design

User Interface Design is a difficult thing to do well. It requires a designer to think on many levels at once. Visual appearance, user expectation, process and workflow, the patience level of likely users, the technological limitations of the selected development environment, and on and on. Expecting software engineers to perform all of these tasks when their skills are focused in other areas is inevitably asking for lackluster final results. User Interface design is integral to the very conception of an application and involving user interface designers from the beginning leads directly to a superior product.


An online training regimen that uses Interpretation Bias Training to help users learn to cope with anxiety disorders through a simple series of exercises that can be completed via desktop or mobile devices.


Three interconnected web applications that help the defense and intelligence communities track important research and updates related to biological and chemical weapons.

iThriv Research Concierge Portal

This online portal provides members of the iThriv group access to a wide network of resources, sorted as both a network access web as well as a more traditional list-based taxonomy.

Declaring Independence Interactive Exhibit

A large-sized touchscreen table provides visitors to the museum a way to explore high resolution scans the materials in the collection, as well as a gallery of biological sketches of signers of the Declaration.


ZippyMeals is a robust scheduling program designed specifically for Meals on Wheels. It tracks both clients receiving meals, as well as volunteers delivering meals, with a goal of simplifying the work necessary for this complex, yet important organization.

Pathogen Security

A complex web application designed to track information about facilities around the world that are working on potentially hazardous agents, presenting both top level information and the ability to delve into the critical source materials as necessary.

Graffitio iPhone Application

A very early iPhone application forming a sort of location-based social media network that allowed users to write on digital “walls” that were tied to local landmarks, business, and more.

AgRA: the Agricultural Resource Atlas

A complex wiki-based web application that uses detailed maps to track facilities working on various animal diseases as well as the presence of those diseases in each country of interest.

CB|ME: Chemical Biological Material Effects Database

An online database that collates scientific research into material resilience against various chemical and biological agents, along with the ability to request studies of combinations that have not yet been studied.

MDDC: The Missile Defense Data Center

A joint set of applications, one on the web and several on Windows, that manage the complex user vetting, data distribution, and results management of the Missile Defense Data Center.

SERRA: Support for Environmental Rapid Risk Assessment

This online tool was designed to provide emergency first responders rapid access to critical information in case of a chemical or biological event.